Diabetes – Do you Have to Have It?

The topic of diabetes is a personal one for me. It runs in my family on my father’s side. My grandfather’s mother had it, my grandfather had it, my father had it and so do my brother and sister. I don’t. Why? That’s what this post is about!

What people don’t realize is that adult onset diabetes is not really a lack of insulin, it is insulin resistance. What causes it? A deficiency of  key nutrients.

I’m not going to get too technical here because it’s not really necessary. Basically, insulin resistance is the cell receptors get clogged up with calcium. Why does this happen?

Calcium is the one bulk mineral that is in abundant supply in the food system. Not only that, the food industry puts extra calcium in everything.  So, we are overloaded with calcium.

Too much calcium without the other support nutrients causes the calcium to go places it’s not suppose to, e.g. your cell receptors, and not go where is should, e.g. your bones. This is why people who take a great deal of calcium still get osteoporosis. If you live in an area with too much calcium in the water, you know what that does to your pipes, washing machine and hot water heater -  Scale!

Yes, too much calcium causes scale in YOUR body pipe system! So, what are the effects of too much calcium?

For one thing, too much calcium depletes magnesium. As I’ve written before, magnesium is a critical alkaline mineral that is used in over 300 processes in the body. It is also critical for the endocrine system. For example, the thyroid, the pancreas and the adrenals just to name a few. In relation to diabetes, we are talking about the pancreas and insulin resistance. Calcium needs magnesium to go where it is suppose to go. Too much calcium uses up the magnesium and throws the system out of balance. Result: clogged cells – calcifications.

Dr. Davis, in his Wheat Belly book, talks about how GMO wheat products can trigger diabetes; he himself had diabetes and got rid of it by eliminating wheat. However, for most people, more is required because eliminating the abnormal carbohydrate of GMO wheat doesn’t solve the problem of too much calcium in the body.

Also, it’s been demonstrated that changing to a more healthy diet can eliminate diabetes. However, I feel it’s more efficient to correct the underlying problem of excess calcium.

There are several things you need to do to get your calcium under control. For myself, I take very little supplemental calcium. It’s just not necessary as it’s in everything that I eat. Instead, I supplement with what I need to make sure the calcium goes where it’s suppose to go and does what it is suppose to do.

I make sure I  get adequate Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 helps calcium to go where it’s suppose to go.

Most people do not get enough Vitamin D3. Be sure to notice the 3 after the D! That is the type to take. How much do you need? Dr. Robert Rowen of Second Opnion newsletter says to take 5,000 i.u. daily when you can get some serious sun, meaning several hours with a large percentage of your skin exposed. Otherwise, he says to take 10,000 i.u. Although this sounds like a lot, it’s not because an International Unit is tiny; it is .001mg or, 10,000 i.u. = 10mg, a very small amount.

For myself, I don’t get a great deal of sun as I’m not the outdoors type. But if you do get out, if you load yourself up with sunblock, you are not getting the benefit of Vitamin D production from the sun. Basically, these days, it’s almost impossible to get enough Vitamin D from sun exposure unless you live in a really sunny place. And of course, in the winter, you will never get enough sun. Low Vitamin D has been associated with the winter blues; avoidable by taking Vitamin D3.

The other important supplement I make sure to get plenty of is Magnesium. I’ve written about this important mineral before – SEE ARTICLE. It is used in over 300 processes in the body and is required for calcium to do what it is suppose to do and go where it is suppose to go.  When you take Magnesium, you need to take a B6 with it which allows it to be absorbed more effectively. The pancreas uses a great deal of magnesium.

Since I am one of those people who has trouble using magensium effectively, I have to take much more than normal to get a normal amount in my system. However, it’s cheap and plentiful.

Making sure you get adequate Vitamin D3 and Magnesium will help in many different categories but it will certainly eliminate the possibility of diabetes by getting rid of insulin resistance – I know because it works for me!

1 comment

  1. Meanie says:

    I stumbled on this theory on my own and found your blog. I know we are right on this. I also have hard water in my home and found my cat suffering from hypercalcemia but had no other problems. Once I stopped drinking my water, took Vitamin D and Magnesium, my blood sugar fell to 80 (from about 99). My cat got better my joint problems disappeared and I realized what was happening.

    I have now found support for every single issue. From the idea that joint problems and arthrtis can be caused by calcium deposits to the fact that Insulin resistance is caused by calcium getting to the cell receptors — not allowing insulin to allow sugar in to the cell.

    It is the excess calcium that is causing arthrtis, diabeates and Heart artery calcification.

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