Iodine and the Halide Poisons

It is a Safe Assumption YOU have an Iodine Deficiency!

As I mentioned in my last post, Iodine is critical for good health and practically no one gets enough.

If you want the complete story, I urge you to read:

The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Health

As I mentioned previously, I learned about the work of Dr. Abraham in the early 2000s. around 2003-2004. At the time, he was challenging the outrageously low RDA for Iodine, which to this day is 150mcg. At the time, I was taking a quality multi-vitamin that had 150mcg of Iodine in it and thought I was covered but Dr. Abraham said that the RDA for Iodine should be 15mg per day and if you had an Iodine deficiency, you needed to take 50mg per day to bring your levels up.

How to Know if you are Iodine Deficient

I was reading Dr. Rowen’s newsletter on health at the time and he had an article on Iodine based on Dr. Abraham’s work. In the article, he said a quick, inexpensive way to see if you were Iodine deficient was to get some antiseptic iodine like you use for cuts (I since learned there is a much better liquid Iodine called Lugol’s solution), I got the antiseptic Iodine for the test but I found out quickly that I was allergic to the antiseptic stuff after a few applications. I applied a 2 inch square on my thigh (or you can use the inside of your wrist) to see how long it took to disappear. According to Dr. Rowen, if you could still see the iodine color after 24 hours, your iodine level was good. If it disappeared before that, you were deficient. Well, the first patch disappeared in about 20 minutes indicating I was seriously deficient. The second patch disappeared as quickly!

At the time, I didn’t understand why since I was taking the multivitamin with the RDA of Iodine. But I was having low thyroid so I followed the basic Iodine Protocol of Dr. Abraham and got enough Iodine in my system to make it active again.

Iodine is Used by More organs and Glands than Just the Thyroid

What I didn’t realize at the time was Iodine was used by the entire body, not just the thyroid and that the halogens of iodine got in your system and stayed there like heavy metal and blocked the functioning of all the glands and other organs of the body. The reason Dr. Abraham’s Iodine Protocol worked for me is that the thyroid gets iodine first because iodine along with selenium are necessary to make thyroid hormone. After the thyroid is full of iodine, THEN the rest of the body can start receiving it. But I didn’t know that at the time. I just knew my thyroid was functioning properly. Yet I was still seriously Iodine deficient and didn’t know it.

So just as I unknowingly was exposed to heavy metal, I discovered recently that I was unknowingly exposed to the anti-iodine halogens for many decades, and like heavy metal, they have to be chelated out. How did this happen?

Again, it was from food sources, the water supply and dental products. With each exposure, it kicked out more Iodine and the halogens, chlorine (water), fluoride (water and dental products) and bromine (flour products, flame retardants, etc.) stayed.

Iodine Deficiency a Known Problem Since the Late 1800s

In the history of the US, there have been many parts of the country that were iodine deficient to the point that goiter was common. This was also a problem in other parts of the world. Then in the 1820s, a French chemist accidentally discovered Iodine. Other researchers worked with it and found that this “new” compound reversed goiters.

Since goiters and the corresponding health issues associated with it were very common, some far thinking Europeans figured they could get it to the consuming public by putting it in salt. Although it wasn’t much iodine, it did reduce goiter. So after the Europeans started putting Iodine in salt in the late 1800s, it took the US until 1924 to iodize salt (the US health authorities appear to not be interested in cheap, simple self-health solutions for better health). After salt was iodized, just as in Europe, goiters went down in the US.

In my next post, I will give a brief history of toxic halides being forced on an unaware public and the intentional attempt to stop people from taking Iodine.


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